Thousands of people waiting to meet you at FriendFinder personals! |
Starting Age |
Value @ Age 65 |
Cost of Waiting |
25 |
$349,100 |
26 |
$321,196 |
35 |
$149,036 |
36 |
$136,464 |
45 |
$58,902 |
46 |
$53,238 |
Chart performance is for illustrative purposes only and does represent historical results of a specific investment or investments. Returns assume investment of $100 per month with annual growth rate of 8%. The cost of waiting one year is the difference between $349,100 and $321,196 for ages 25 to 26; $149,036 and $136,464 for ages 35 to 36; and $58,902 and $53,238 for ages 45 to 46. Assumes age of retirement is 65.
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